Thursday, June 4, 2015

Ted Talk Assignment - Friday June 5th

Please click on the link below for the inspiring message and plan you have the privilege of taking part in today (Friday) !
Please complete all of it with a smile! 

Ted Talk Assignment and Link

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Leadership - "THE Donald" Way!

Watching "The Apprentice" can be entertaining and educational.

What can we learn about Business by watching the entertaining drama filled show?

  • Business Concepts
  • Practical assignments and tasks
  • Teamwork
  • Collaboration
  • Managing conflict
  • Leadership Qualities
These of course are just a few of the applications we get from our participation in watching various episodes.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Business Exposure in the Media

Go to Frontline or CNN 

  1. Find something business related.
  2. Make a blog post and create a title of your choice
  3. Write about 3 areas you didn't know about before reading the information
  4. Write about 1 areas you might want to know more about.

Link to Frontline
CNN Students

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Business Blogs

Check out this list of blogs using the link below. Choose two from the list of 22 Business Blogs to add to your blog list (Blog List Gadget). Be sure you find a blog that might interest you.